Apr 13, 2012

What would you like to learn about?

In Science, our second graders are diving into the fascinating world of "small crawling and flying creatures." Today, they embarked on a research adventure using Instagrok to explore various insects and bugs.

Instagrok is more than just a search engine—it's an interactive learning tool designed to empower students in their quest for knowledge. When students search for a topic like "ants," for instance, Instagrok doesn't just provide information; it curates a comprehensive array of resources including key facts, websites, videos, and images, along with quizzes and concepts to deepen understanding.

What sets Instagrok apart is its built-in content filter, ensuring a safe and secure browsing experience for students. Prior to introducing it to the class, I conducted several searches myself and found the site to be consistently reliable and free from offensive content.

One standout feature of this site is its ability to tailor content based on grade level. When exploring a topic like ants, students can utilize the "little Einstein" feature to access material that aligns with their learning level. For our Grade 2 students, we simply adjusted the scroll bar to the far left, ensuring that the information, videos, and websites presented were appropriate for their comprehension.

In addition to its grade-level filtering, Instagrok offers a host of other useful features. The "journal" function, for instance, allows students to jot down notes and pin items for future reference. While we only scratched the surface of its capabilities today, I'm excited about the potential for further research using this search engine.

The enthusiasm among my Grade 2 students was palpable as they delved into the world of bug research. They were thrilled to discover a plethora of bug pictures, videos, and websites, sparking curiosity and engagement. Without a doubt, I'll be incorporating Instagrok into our future lessons to continue nurturing their love for learning and exploration.

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